Touch of Venice Mural – Los Angeles, California - Atlas Obscura

Touch of Venice Mural

A black and white mural stands out from its psychedelic surroundings. 


In the vast array of brightly colored, 60s and 70s-inspired murals that light up Venice Beach, “Touch of Venice” by Jonas Never manages to make black and white “pop.” The 102-foot-by-50-foot adaptation of Hollywood legend Orson Welles’ 1958 film “Touch of Evil” is an homage to the history of Venice in classic Hollywood film, and evokes the dark noir that graced the silver screen and thrilled filmgoers.

Those knowledgable in classic Hollywood history will be able to spot the obscure references hidden in the artwork, and may be left affected by the haunting text, “like a dream that I remember from an easier time.”

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