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Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Paris, France

Jules Lavirotte's 29 Avenue Rapp

A scandalous Art Nouveau collaboration that set Paris all atwitter at the turn of the century.
Paris, France

Musée Bricard

A curious collection of locks and keys.
Paris, France

Maison de Victor Hugo

A museum dedicated to one of Paris’s most famous residents, tucked into a corner of one of the city’s most famous squares.
Paris, France

Musée Marmottan Monet

Former hunting lodge of a duke who was an avid collector of impressionist works.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Paris, France

The Wax and Bone Relics of Saint Vincent de Paul

Saintly bones pressed into a wax effigy of a Catholic superstar.
Paris, France

Musée du quai Branly (Quai Branly Museum)

This Parisian gem is one of the most incredible ethnographic museums in the world.
Paris, France

The Grand Lodge of France

One of the oldest masonic museums in Paris.
Paris, France

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature)

Dedicated to the art of hunting, with juxtapositions of contemporary art.
Paris, France

Jeannot's Floor

The floorboard scrawling of a tragic madman is on public display outside a Paris hospital, much to the dismay of its opponents.
Paris, France

World's Oldest Basketball Court

Despite being considered a thoroughly American sport, basketball's oldest surviving playing field is found in the basement of a Paris YMCA.
Paris, France

Rue du Chat-qui-Pêche

The narrowest street in Paris.
Paris, France

Cannonball of the Hotel de Sens

A lone cannonball remains lodged in the walls of the Hotel de Sens as a sober reminder of a revolution.
Paris, France

Flame of Liberty

This life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame is also a tribute to Princess Diana by default.
Paris, France

La Conciergerie

This former “ante-chamber to the guillotine” has been refurbished to illustrate the brutal history of French justice.
Paris, France

Montmartre Funicular

The water-powered carriages are long gone, but for over a century this funicular railway has been the fastest route to the highest point in Paris.
Paris, France

Deyrolle Taxidermy

Paris' fabled purveyor of exotic taxidermy and natural history curios.
Paris, France

Remnants of the Paris Guillotine

Indents in the pavement are all that remain from a grisly death machine in Paris.
Paris, France

Salvador Dalí Sundial

A surrealist timepiece by the artist of melting clocks.
Paris, France

Statue of Liberty at Pont de Grenelle

This statue was given to France by the United States to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.
Paris, France

Gustave Eiffel's Secret Apartment

High atop the Eiffel Tower is a small apartment built exclusively to entertain the science elite and make the rest of Paris jealous.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.