8snvh72hv2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ollantaytambo, Peru

Ollantaytambo Ruins

Preserved Inca city and site of the last Inca stronghold against the Spanish conquistadors.
Cusco, Peru


The stones of this Incan wall complex fit together so well you couldn't fit a piece of paper between some of them.
Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas

Built on the remains of one the Incas’ most important gathering spots, this square keeps the spirit of a fallen empire alive.
Quito, Ecuador

La Plaza Grande

Quito's historic, main square dates back to the 16th century.
Puerto Ayora, Ecuador

Lonesome George at the Fausto Llerena Breeding Center

An exhibition devoted to the life (and posthumous taxidermy form) of the last known representative of the Pinta Island Tortoises.
Cork, Ireland

Boole House

An important landmark in the history of algebraic logic.
Adams, Massachusetts

Mount Greylock

Inspiring Herman Melville and Henry David Thoreau, Mount Greylock in western Massachusetts is the highest point in the state at 3,491 feet above sea level.
Pittsboro, North Carolina

Clyde's Critter Crossing

A folk art mecca famous among outsider art fans.
Travelers Rest, South Carolina

Poinsett Bridge

The oldest bridge in South Carolina may have been designed by the same man who created the Washington Monument.
Erwin, Tennessee

Lost Cove Settlement

Railroad came. People came. Railroad left. Town died.
Mount Washington, Massachusetts

Bash Bish Falls

One of the most scenic falls in Massachusetts has a history of death and grim legend.
Anaconda, Montana

Anaconda Smelter Stack

A smoke stack so large, the Washington Monument could fit inside!
Butte, Montana

The Auditor Statues

Multiple monuments to a grizzled old mutt that survived the landscape of Butte's treacherous Berkeley Pit.
Three Forks, Montana

Madison Buffalo Jump State Park

For thousands of years, Native American hunters drove buffalo straight off this cliff in Montana's Yellowstone Country.
Missoula, Montana

A Carousel for Missoula

A classic carnival ride that was carved to be untouchable.
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Wat Rong Khun

A white Buddhist temple with a golden restroom.
Wuhan, China

Guiyuan Temple

Count the statues to gain insight into your future from Buddhist disciples.
Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford Circus Fire Memorial

Memorial to one of the most fatal fires in both circus and U.S. history.
Hartford, Connecticut

Harriet Beecher Stowe Center

The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin was neighbors with Mark Twain while living in this Connecticut home.
Hartford, Connecticut

The Mark Twain House & Museum

The former home of Samuel Clemens and family remembers the happiest period of the author's life.
New Hartford, Connecticut

Satan's Kingdom State Recreation Area

Who knew the Devil's domain was a hot spot for tubing?
East Granby, Connecticut

Old Newgate Prison

A former copper mine which became a truly unsuccessful prison.
Avon, Connecticut

Heublein Tower

This lovely hilltop tower was specifically built to withstand 100 MPH winds.
Pisgah Forest, North Carolina

Sliding Rock

Who needs fancy modern water slides when this giant North Carolina rock works just as well?