A secret club's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Aarhus, Denmark
Places added to Aarhus, Denmark
Places edited in Leipzig, Germany
Places added to Denmark
Places edited in Denmark
Places edited in Aarhus, Denmark
Places added to Copenhagen, Denmark
Places edited in Hamburg, Germany
Places added to Hamburg, Germany
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Aarhus, Denmark

Cirkuskroen (The Circus Pub)

This legendary dive bar boasts a collection of over 1,300 clown figurines.
Aarhus, Denmark

'Magic Mushrooms'

This inverted metropolis model is the artist's "revenge" for not being allowed to have a doll house as a kid.
Berlin, Germany

The Clock of Flowing Time

An astonishingly accurate water clock that doubles as an hourly spectacle in this Berlin shopping area.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

A memorial in the Tiergarten is a reminder of the suffering inflicted on homosexuals by the Nazi regime.
Berlin, Germany

The 'Hand with Watch' Sculpture

Known simply as "The Hand," this famous public sculpture in Berlin was featured in a Depeche Mode music video.
Berlin, Germany

Spandauer Zitadelle (Spandau Citadel)

A 12th-century fortress containing some of Berlin's oldest buildings.
Berlin, Germany

The Bierpinsel

A tree-like building perches on its trunk in the Steglitz neighborhood of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany


This futuristic German spa allows visitors to float in a pool of salt water while zoning out to underwater techno.
Berlin, Germany

Haus Schwarzenberg Street Art Alley

A narrow passage next to a cafe leads to a courtyard exploding with murals, tags, and paste-ups.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Holbein Horse

A horse statue that receives constant makeovers from graffiti artists and locals.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Brewers’ and Bakers’ Guild Windows at Freiburg Münster

This medieval cathedral houses stained-glass windows featuring saints and pretzels.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Mooning Gargoyle of Freiburg Minster

A stonemason's hilarious revenge came in the form of this peculiarly positioned gargoyle.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Freiburg Bächle

These paved rills bring freshwater into Altstadt and could spell wedding bells for whoever stumbles into the waters.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Haus zum Walfisch

This Late Gothic building that once housed Erasmus is now known as the filming location of "Suspiria."
Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jorck's Passage

Site of the first radio and telephone broadcasting companies in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Cirkelbroen (The Circle Bridge)

This bridge's unique architecture honors nautical heritage and encourages self-awareness.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Kosmik Rum

Visitors are treated to a stained glass kaleidoscope interior inside this work of art.
Nuuk, Greenland

Qilakitsoq Mummies

These eight mummies are the best-preserved human remains ever discovered in North America.
Nuuk, Greenland

Nuuk Center

Greenland's first shopping mall also hosts the country's government.
Malmö, Sweden

Malmo Möllestenen (The Malmo Millstone)

This millstone commemorates a gruesome tale that may have been the source of the city's name.
Malmö, Sweden

Turning Torso

Swedish skyscraper with a 90° twist.
Malmö, Sweden

Øresund Bridge

This chimerical bridge/tunnel appears to dead end right into the sea.
Malmö, Sweden

'The Knotted Gun'

This poignant sculpture of a gnarled weapon is a symbol of non-violence.