Annetta Black's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Annetta Black's activity rankings
Places visited in Albany, California
Places added to California
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places added to San Antonio, Texas
Places edited in Milan, Italy
Places added to Milan, Italy
Places added to New Zealand
Places edited in British Columbia
Places added to Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy

Milan's Duomo "Dinosaur"

Milan's duomo is covered in beautiful carving including a curious "dinosaur-like" beast.
Phonsavan, Laos

Plain of Jars

Believed to have once stored either human remains or rice wine, thousands of mysterious stone jars lie in ruin.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Surgeons' Hall Museums

A book bound in the skin of an infamous criminal, along with countless other specimens.
Seaside, Oregon

Tillamook Rock Lighthouse Columbarium

Where Nor'easters go to die.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Lowell Observatory

This Arizona observatory is famous for investigations into Martian life, and as the place humans first spotted Pluto.
Florence, Italy

Ospedale degli Innocenti (Hospital of the Innocents)

Renaissance hospital featuring a rotating door into which unwanted babies were dropped.
Ogden, Utah

Eccles Dinosaur Park

Jurassic Park—A Still Life.
Whitehorse, Yukon

The World's Largest Weathervane, a DC-3

This decommissioned DC-3 now forever points into the oncoming wind.
Leadville, Colorado

Leadville's Abandoned Silver Mine

Abandoned silver mine strewn with wrecked and twisted structures.
Royston, England

Royston Cave

Man-made cave with enigmatic carvings, some say made by the Knights Templar themselves.
Chicago, Illinois

Pritzker Military Museum & Library

A military museum and library dedicated to the citizen soldier.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mapparium Globe

An enormous, inside-out glass globe built in 1935.
Rome, Italy

Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

A collection of objects supposedly singed by the hands of souls in purgatory.
Milan, Italy

The Devil's Column

The mark of the Devil's horns on a marble column in Milan.
Dublin, Ireland

St. Michan's Mummies

An Irish church where an 800-year-old mummy is reaching out of his coffin as if to shake hands.
Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France

Douaumont Ossuary

This modern French ossuary contains the jumbled bones of 130,000 WWI soldiers.

Great Isaac Cay

Bermuda triangle lighthouse, site of mysterious disappearances, left to crumble into the Atlantic.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site

Tour the dark and beloved poet's former cobwebbed basement, which may have inspired "The Black Cat."
London, England

The Wildgoose Memorial Library

A mysterious artist-run cabinet of curiosities and library.
Cologne, Germany

Church of St. Ursula

A church filled with the bones of hundreds of virgins martyrs—or so they say.
Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland

Kaplica Czaszek: The Chapel of Skulls

The walls and ceiling of this Polish church are decorated with thousands of skulls, with another 21,000 skeletons just below.
Bar-le-Duc, France

Transi de René de Chalon

Statue of a decomposing prince that once held his heart in its hand.
Detroit, Michigan

Heidelberg Project

One man's attempt to create an artistic wonder on a run-down block in Detroit.
Neustadt, Germany

The Mummy of Knight Kahlbutz

The natural mummy of the less than chivalrous Knight Kahlbutz.