Baloo Radley's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bury Saint Edmunds, England
Places visited in Thetford, England
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Inachori, Greece

Elafonisi (Deer Island)

A small island with shimmering pink sands, home to loggerhead turtles and rare plants.
Lynford, England

Grime's Graves

A strange and ancient landscape hides the dark, cavernous remains of a 5,000-year-old flint mine.
Norwich, England

Norwich Castle Museum

This medieval castle is filled with an eccentric collection that ranges from ancient Egyptian artifacts to taxidermy to a mummified hand that was cut off during a duel.
Mistley, England

Old Knobbley

This ancient oak tree sheltered accused "witches" in the 17th century.
Manningtree, England

The Manningtree Ox

This sculpture pays homage to Shakespeare and his reference to a Manningtree tradition.
Hunstanton, England

Wreck of the Steam Trawler Sheraton

All that remains of the fishing-vessel-turned-warship is its weathered hull.
Halstead, England

The Village Signs of Gestingthorpe

A hunched figure depicted on the signs honors a local gentleman who died on an Antarctic expedition.
Bury Saint Edmunds, England

The Nutshell Pub

The smallest pub in Britain was once a cabinet of curiosities and it still has the dead cat to prove it.
Tattingstone, England

Tattingstone Wonder

An 18th-century estate owner thought these cottages were an eyesore, so he artfully disguised them as a church.