cosmobacon13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Reading, England
Places visited in Rye, England
Places visited in Dunwich, England
Places visited in Buckinghamshire, England
Places visited in Great Yarmouth, England
Places visited in Tønsberg, Norway
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Brussels, Belgium

Musée des Arbalétriers (Museum of Crossbowmen)

This charming, hidden guild museum holds some 700 years of crossbow history.
Brussels, Belgium

Commemoration of Peter the Great's Vomit

When you're a great Russian Tsar, even your vomit gets a statue.
Brussels, Belgium

'Cement Truck'

Intricate metal sculpture that's half gothic cathedral, half construction equipment.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Train Station

The Belgian royal family's private depot now stands abandoned and forgotten alongside the tracks.
Brussels, Belgium

Maison de la Bellone

This modern arts center is built around a gem of late-Baroque architecture.
Brussels, Belgium

Théâtre Royal de Toone

Drink among marionettes at this pub inside a historic puppet theater.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Floating Farm

The world's first floating farm is staffed by one human, three robots, and 35 cows.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Luchtsingel

Built by crowdsourcing, this wooden foot bridge saved a part of Rotterdam that was languishing in wait of city funding.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Polaroid

An enormous Polaroid picture adds an artistic flair to Rotterdam.
Beidweiler, Luxembourg


This tri-part waterfall is a little bit of fairytale beauty in the heart of Luxembourg's Little Switzerland.
London, England

Container City

Putting the "mod" in "modular" since 2000.
Bury Saint Edmunds, England

The World's First Internet-Enabled Park Bench

Long before wi-fi, this public seat provided the wonder of being online while outdoors.
Gildeskål, Norway

Noviken VLF Transmitter

Large military radio station without transmitting towers.
Jevnaker, Norway

Kistefos Museum

The grounds and buildings of an old wood pulp mill have been transformed into an innovative art park and museum.
Stavanger, Norway

Iron Age Farm

A reconstructed farm shows what life was like in Norway 1,500 years ago.
Tromsø, Norway


The world's northernmost aquarium looks like it has fallen over.
Oslo, Norway

Forest of the Future Library

One thousand trees were planted in Norway to be used to print books a century from now.
Seoul, South Korea

Metro Farm

Some of the freshest vegetables in Seoul are grown in a subway station.
Seoul, South Korea

Coffee Hanyakbang

About as hidden as can be, this specialty coffee shop is wedged between multi-story buildings at the end of a dark, skinny alleyway in Seoul.
London, England

Beigel Bake

Order a salt beef-loaded beigel at any hour of the day or night at this East End institution.
London, England

Panzer’s Deli & Grocery

Order bagels and lox from an iconic Jewish delicatessen with nearly a century of history behind it.
London, England

Camera Museum

This museum tucked below a charming cafe gives a brief snapshot of photographic history.
London, England

Dirty Dick's

This pub boasts a curious history and may have inspired a Dickens character.
London, England

Hurwundeki Hair, Korean Cuisine, and Antique shop

Don't worry, they don't use antique scissors.