1059313's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Orkney, Scotland

Old Man of Hoy

A red sandstone freestanding monolith rises out of the sea in northern Scotland.
Dunure, Scotland

Dunure Labyrinth

This modern labyrinth lies in the shadow of a ruined medieval castle.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Callanish Stones

The mysterious megaliths have enchanted and intrigued visitors for thousands of years.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls

Ancient cliffs resembling a kilt on Scotland's second largest island emit an entrancing sound.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh

One of the oldest scientific gardens in Britain, containing more than 13,302 plant species in its core collection.
Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Fingal's Cave

This astonishingly geometric cave has inspired everyone from Jules Verne to Pink Floyd.
Naples, Italy

Via Port’Alba

This 17th-century passageway is home to numerous bookshops, a witch legend, and the oldest pizzeria in the world.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Ercolano, Italy


Pompeii's less famous neighbor is still revealing her secrets.
Florence, Italy

Statue of Fernando I

A plaque on the base of this statue holds a bewitching design.
Florence, Italy

Dante's Dagger

A medieval weapon rumored to have been used by the brilliant poet himself.
Manziana, Italy

Caldara di Manziana

This caldera was once associated with the Etruscan god of the underworld.
Tirolo, Italy

Erdpyramide in Tirol

These unique "earth pyramid" clay columns can be found in ravines around the village of Tirolo.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Monte Nuovo

Italy's "New Mountain" rose from the ground in a volcanic eruption in 1538.
Castelsardo, Italy

Roccia dell'Elefante (Elephant's Rock)

This weird, elephant-shaped rock also hosts two ancient tombs.
Foresta, Italy

Ciampate del Diavolo (Devil's Footprints)

A trail of footprints discovered after a landslide was left not by the Devil, as originally believed, but by an early human ancestor.
Rocca Sinibalda, Italy

Rocca Sinibalda Castle

This unusually shaped fortress houses a blend of centuries-old frescoes and modern art.
Naples, Italy

Ruins of Liternum

A former Roman town that was once the home of Scipio Africanus.
Rieti, Italy

Terminillo's Sword in the Stone

Templar knights fleeing persecution are said to have left this sword in stone as a landmark in 1307.
Viggianello, Italy


The oldest scientifically dated tree in Europe lives on a remote cliff.