Deirdreod's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cornwall, England

Logan Rock of Treen

A legendary rocking stone, returned to its clifftop perch.
Cornwall, England

Hawker's Hut

A writer's tiny retreat built from salvaged shipwreck timbers.
Cornwall, England

Gwennap Pit

The excellent acoustics of this natural amphitheater made it a popular preaching spot for the founder of the Methodist Church.
Cornwall, England

The Merry Maidens

Perhaps the only prehistoric monument with its very own public bus stop.
Cornwall, England

Church of St. Morwenna and St. John the Baptist

This ancient church, rebuilt at least 3 times, is flanked at all sides by history.
Cornwall, England

Dozmary Pool

Now nearly dry, this lake is said to be the ancient home of the Lady of the Lake, and was once thought to be bottomless.
Cornwall, England

St Michael's Mount

A island reachable by a causeway at low tide is possibly one of the earliest Western European locations to be identified in text.
Devon, England

'My Dear Mother' Clock

Instead of numerals, the unusual clock face spells out a memorial to a lost loved one.
Devon, England

Jay's Grave

This grave resides at the crossroad of three parishes.
Devon, England

Berry Pomeroy Castle

A ruined castle has more than its fair share of legends and ghost stories.
Devon, England

Burgh Island

Take a sea tractor to the Art Deco hotel on the island that inspired Agatha Christie.
Devon, England

Buckfast Abbey

This historic Benedictine monastery brews a booze so toxic that it has often been blamed almost singularly for Scottish hooliganism.
Exeter, England

House That Moved

Old Tudor home moved on thick iron rails to a new spot.
Exeter, England

Parliament Street

At just 25 inches at its narrowest point, it's one of the tightest streets in the world.
Exeter, England

Exeter's Underground Passages

These medieval tunnels provided water to the city above through centuries of civil war and plague.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie Cemetery

New Orleans' famous cemetery, located on the site of a former race track.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 2

This "second" cemetery represents New Orleans' attempt to keep cholera at bay.
London, England

Sir Ernest Shackleton's Crow's Nest

The barrel-made lookout from Shackleton's final ship is tucked away in the crypt of one of London's oldest churches.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Neil's Garden

A secret garden in a picturesque Edinburgh village has inspired artists for centuries.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Infinite Corridor

This nearly endless university hallway is home to a unique sunset known as "MIThenge."
Eastham, Massachusetts

Billingsgate Island

The Atlantis of Cape Cod reemerges during the lowest of tides.