DS8819's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bury Saint Edmunds, England
Places visited in Ely, England
Places visited in Southwold, England
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Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany


This futuristic German spa allows visitors to float in a pool of salt water while zoning out to underwater techno.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Margate, England

Margate Shell Grotto

Grotto replete with mystical designs laid out in glued shell mosaics.
Margate, England

'The Shell Lady of Margate'

Overlooking the seaside town of Margate stands a tribute to an artist's lover.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Bayeux, France

The Liberty Tree

This symbol of the French Revolution still stands where it was first planted during the 18th-century.
Bayeux, France

Bayeux Tapestry

This enormous "cloth of the conquest" depicts the Norman invasion of England in mind-blowing detail.
Honfleur, France

Jardin du Tripot

An art-filled botanical garden and former dyeworks hiding in plain sight.
Honfleur, France

Église Sainte Catherine

One of the oldest and largest wooden churches in France was very evidently constructed by shipbuilders.
Norwich, England

Fye Bridge

One of the oldest bridges in Norwich was used during the English witch trials and is said to be haunted.
Bath, England

Botanical Gardens of Bath

With lush plants and flowers, huge trees, ponds, and hidden monuments, this place feels a bit like discovering Narnia.
Bath, England

Pulteney Weir

This picturesque horseshoe weir was first built in the 1600s to prevent flooding in the town of Bath.
Rowde, England

Caen Hill Locks

This section of the Kennet and Avon Canal has been designated the same level of heritage protection as Stonehenge.
Devizes, England

Devizes Market Cross

The plaques around this 19th-century structure recall some rather strange tales.
Devizes, England

The Crammer

Legend says the people of Wiltshire got their "Moonraker" nickname from this small pond.
Alton Barnes, England

Alton Barnes White Horse

This massive chalk hill carving is one of England's most beloved giant horse geoglyphs.
Bratton, England

Westbury White Horse

A giant white horse drawn on an English hillside may not have been intended to be a horse at all.
Wiltshire, England

The Skeletons of Stonehenge

Ancient human remains unearthed around the iconic monument.
Salisbury, England

Medieval Clock

The oldest working mechanical clock in the world.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Dedicated to the European Sinti and Roma peoples murdered during the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.