Ivana Viani's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brookline, Massachusetts
Places edited in Ica, Peru
Places edited in Durham, North Carolina
Places visited in Zagreb, Croatia
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Winthrop, Massachusetts

Deer Island Nipmuc Memorial

The site of the tragic isolation of Nipmuc Native Americans left to perish in King Philip's War.
Stoneham, Massachusetts

Where Shute Fell

This headstone-like marker inscribed with three words has been an utter mystery for over a century.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.
Hull, Massachusetts

City of Salisbury Shipwreck

A freighter full of exotic animals ends a harrowing voyage impaled on uncharted rocks in the Boston Harbor.
Boston, Massachusetts

Brook Farm

Site of a famous 19th-century transcendentalist utopian community, now abandoned.
Winthrop, Massachusetts

Nix's Mate

A daybeacon pyramid is about all that's left of this island that is said to have sunk due to a pirate's curse.
Watertown, Massachusetts

The Plumbing Museum

Located in a beautifully restored ice house, this museum is the result of decades of hard work and devotion to the craft of plumbing.
Medford, Massachusetts

Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia) Memorial

Massachusetts memorial to murder victim Elizabeth Short near the spot where she was born.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Emerson’s Pickle Factory Plaque

This unassuming stone commemorates a condiment factory gone up in smoke.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Old Powder House

Rising 30 feet in the air atop Quarry Hill, the Old Powder House is the oldest stone building in the state of Massachusetts.
Boston, Massachusetts

Calf Pasture Pumping Station

This beautiful architectural gem was the first waste treatment facility in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

Beautiful steampunk ghosts of early Massachusetts.
Watertown, Massachusetts

Julia Ward Howe's Grave

The final resting place of a suffragist author.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

O'Reilly Spite House

This is the house that spite built.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Graves of Henry and William James

Final resting place of the author who wrote the ghost story "The Turn of the Screw," and his brother, the Harvard doctor and paranormal investigator.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Old Burial Ground

This cemetery served as the only official burial grounds in Cambridge for nearly 200 years.
Boston, Massachusetts

Quentin Compson Memorial

A real plaque marks the spot where a Faulknerian character committed fictional suicide.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Clover HSQ

A Harvard-area eatery preserves the uncovered tiles of its century-old predecessor.
Boston, Massachusetts

Class of 1959 Chapel

The strikingly modern structure stands out among the brick buildings speckling the Harvard Business School's campus.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Charles William Jr. House

This Massachusetts home was the first to have a telephone line and its own phone number: 1.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Forbes Pigment Collection

The thousands of shades on display — some toxic, others impossibly rare — are a library of more than just color.
Boston, Massachusetts

All Saints Way

"Mock all and sundry things, but leave the saints alone."
Boston, Massachusetts

Eliot Public School

A school used as a model for public education across the country.
Boston, Massachusetts

AHAC Headquarters

Located in Faneuil Hall, the headquarters of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts has stood the test of time.