jalilajohnson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv Statue of Liberty

This unique Lady Liberty is one of the only examples of the figure sitting down.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Holodomor Victims Memorial

The haunting complex honors the millions of Ukrainians who died in the forced famine under Soviet rule.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Arsenalna Metro Station

The deepest metro station in the world.
Hamburg, Germany

Der Pudel auf dem Dach (The Poodle on the Roof)

Hidden in plain sight on a gable between two towers on the roof of shipping firm F. Laeisz' headquarter in Hamburg sits an unexpected bronze sculpture.
Hamburg, Germany

Rote Flora

This contentious squat has stood through fire, violence, and government intervention as a hotbed of leftist protest.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Nicholas' Church

Once the tallest building in the world, this abandoned church is now a monument to the destruction of WWII.
Paris, France

Napoleon's Angels

Twelve grave-faced marble angels guard the emperor's tomb at Les Invalides.
Paris, France

Montparnasse Cemetery

A Parisian cemetery where the elite and artistic are interred beneath an eccentric collection of tombs.
Paris, France

Foucault's Pendulum

19th century pendulum and a clock restored by a rogue group of guerilla artists.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany


This Berlin island is home to a flock of free-roaming peacocks, as well as a historic ivory folly.
Berlin, Germany

Fine Bagels

The best bagels in Berlin are tucked away in an independent bookstore.
Berlin, Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

An imperial church bombed to ruins during WWII now stands as a jagged memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany

Wasserturm Prenzlauer Berg

This water-tower-turned-high-end-apartment building was once the site of an early Nazi concentration camp.
Berlin, Germany

Denkzeichen Georg Elser

A monument to the man who almost killed Hitler.
Berlin, Germany

Hohenzollern Crypt in the Berlin Cathedral

Beneath the impressive baroque cathedral that rises from the center of Berlin lies the largest collection of Prussian royals in the world.
Berlin, Germany

The DDR Museum

A fascinating insight into daily life in the Eastern Bloc.
Berlin, Germany

Stasi Museum

A museum dedicated to the history of a terrifying secret police is now held in their former headquarters.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Haus Schwarzenberg Street Art Alley

A narrow passage next to a cafe leads to a courtyard exploding with murals, tags, and paste-ups.