jaredfromkansas's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Copán Ruinas, Honduras
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Qrendi, Malta


This Stone Age solar temple aligns with the sun on each equinox and solstice.

Post Office Bay

Since the 1700s, this old barrel has acted as a post box that relies on the kindness of travelers.
Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina

Perito Moreno Glacier

This stunning mass of ice spans 121 square miles and is still growing.
Ushuaia, Argentina

The Time Capsule of Ushuaia

This plaza at the end of the world teems with monumental tributes to a problematic history, and laser discs.
El Chaltén, Argentina

Cerro Fitz Roy

The inspiration for the Patagonia Clothing logo, Cerro Fitz Roy turns pink at sunrise.
Weskan, Kansas

Mount Sunflower

A whimsical monument marks the highest point in Kansas, not that you could tell by the looks of it.
Oakley, Kansas

Buffalo Bill Monument

A statue high in a hill that represents how Buffalo Bill got his name.
Meade, Kansas

Dalton Gang Hideout & Museum

This Wild West attraction is probably more fiction than history, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome.
Oakley, Kansas

Monument Rocks

One of the Eight Wonders of Kansas and the first official National Natural Monument these stark formations look like nature's Stonehenge.
Brookville, Kansas

Mushroom Rock State Park

Curious rock formations in a tiny Kansas state park.
Lindsborg, Kansas

Coronado Heights Castle

Marking the spot where a conquistador gave up his search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold.
Minneapolis, Kansas

Rock City

A landscape of massive spherical boulders are the main attraction in this Kansas State Park.
West Mineral, Kansas

Big Brutus

The Bucyrus-Erie model 1850B electric shovel, or "Big Brutus," the largest existing electric shovel in the world.
Wamego, Kansas

Oz Museum

A wonderful collection of all things Oz is nestled in the heart of Kansas.
Lawrence, Kansas

Comanche, Survivor of the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Lone survivor from Custer's Last Stand forever preserved.
Manhattan, Kansas

Konza Prairie

A diverse, expansive nature preserve in northeastern Kansas.
Seattle, Washington

Magnuson Park Fin Art

Old submarine parts have been converted into faux whale fins.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Magnetic Island, Australia

Magnetic Island

After much poking and prodding, this island is decidedly not a magnetic anomaly, but it sure is pretty.

Deception Island

An abandoned whaling station on an active volcano offers hot springs in Antarctica, surrounded by ruined giants of industry.
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Sphinx Observatory

A historic observatory precariously perched at the "Top of Europe."