katiewood2791's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Anniston, Alabama

The Gigantic Chair of Anniston

What better place to take a seat?
Anniston, Alabama

Berman Museum of World History

A strange history museum, with items accumulated by a pair of globe trotting spies.
Fairhope, Alabama

Tolstoy Park, the Unusual Home of Henry Stuart

This small hut in the middle of a parking lot was once the wooded sanctuary of the 'Hermit of Montrose.'
Montgomery, Alabama

Civil Rights Memorial

Designed by Maya Lin, the memorial honors 41 individuals who died fighting for equal rights between 1954 and 1968.
Phil Campbell, Alabama

Dismals Canyon

Famous for its bio-luminescent inhabitants, known as "dismalites."
Fackler, Alabama

Neversink Pit

This natural wonder drops 16 stories straight down through rare flora and streaming waterfalls.
Savannah, Georgia

The Waving Girl

A statue honoring 44 continuous years of greeting passing ships.
Savannah, Georgia

Lucas Theatre

The first public building in Savannah to offer air conditioning was a luxurious cinema that still operates today.
Savannah, Georgia

The Bonaventure Jogger

An eerie smiling woman looms above the granite tombstones.
Savannah, Georgia

A Century of Hats

Tucked away inside a historic Savannah hotel is a hundred-year history presented in ladies' lids.
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Corinne Elliot Lawton

This haunting tombstone comes complete with a heartbreaking story of love and loss.
Savannah, Georgia

The Paris Market

This quirky curiosity shop takes its cues from the world's bazaars.
Atlanta, Georgia

Gravity Research Foundation Monument

This stone is a marker of one millionaire's personal vendetta against gravity.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

Healing Springs that once ran red with soldiers' blood.
Montevallo, Alabama

Tinglewood Carvings

Orr Park's dead trees have been carved into a menagerie of whimsical visages.
Birmingham, Alabama

Museum of Fond Memories at Reed Books

A unique book shop with a collection of rare tomes and a nostalgia museum.
Greensboro, North Carolina

Site of the Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in

This North Carolina store preserves a historic moment in America's movement for racial equality.
Blackville, South Carolina

God's Acre Healing Springs

This natural spring not only claims to heal the wounded but it has also been willed to God.
West Lafayette, Indiana

Prophet's Rock

The large rock formation where the Shawnee prophet Tenskwatawa stood and encouraged his warriors during the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Wapakoneta, Ohio

The Temple of Tolerance

A gregarious Ohio resident has been building his whimsical temple to peace for decades.
Lafayette, Indiana

Family Tree Gravestones

Tombstones carved to look like tree trunks are used for multiple generations of family members.
West Lafayette, Indiana

The Smoking Fence

Purdue students would lean over this iron fence to skirt campus rules against smoking and courting.
West Lafayette, Indiana

Fort Ouiatenon

Historians and hobbyists head to this former French outpost for the annual Feast of the Hunters' Moon.
Kernersville, North Carolina

Körner’s Folly

Jule Körner's house full of bizarre architectural details.