Mark Casey's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Leaderboard Highlights
Mark Casey's activity rankings
Places added to Indiana
Places edited in Fort Collins, Colorado
Places added to Wyoming
Places edited in Uzbekistan
Places added to Indianapolis, Indiana
Places added to Key West, Florida
Places edited in New Orleans, Louisiana
Places added to Belfast, Northern Ireland
Tampa, Florida

Gasparilla Pirate Festival

Like Mardi Gras, only everyone's a pirate.
Pacific Grove, California

Monarch Grove Sanctuary

Every year, over 25,000 monarchs overwinter in Pacific Grove.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco's Cable Car Museum

Not merely a museum – but a whirring powerhouse that offers a subterranean peek into the heart and soul of cable car operations.
Yosemite National Park, California

Horsetail Fall's Firefall

Under the right circumstances, this waterfall in Yosemite briefly turns a luminescent fiery orange.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Dome.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Absinthe Museum

Introducing the Green Fairy to her fawning masses.
Los Angeles, California

Muscle Beach

An historic and oft-filmed spot for musclebound iron pumpers on the Pacific coast.
Chicago, Illinois

The Empty Bottle

A beloved Chicago music venue offering cold beer and lots of “Friendly."
Clermont, Florida

Presidents Hall of Fame

Former wax museum from the 1960s, home to many wax U.S. Presidents and the famous White House miniature.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
London, England

Traffic Light Tree

A student driver's nightmare.
Blois, France

Mechanical Dragon Clock

A beautiful and classically designed villa, with an hourly infestation of monsters.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Circus World

China's most famous acrobatics act.