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Nantucket, Massachusetts

Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum

A museum dedicated to Nantucket's legacy as the "graveyard of the Atlantic."
Hingham, Massachusetts

Old Ship Church

Oldest church in the United States that is still in continuous use.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Garden of Sweet Remembrance

All that remains of the Whittall mansion are the ruins of the formal garden and its pergola, dedicated to the late Matthew J. Whittall by his widow.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.
Winthrop, Massachusetts

Nix's Mate

A daybeacon pyramid is about all that's left of this island that is said to have sunk due to a pirate's curse.
Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

Flying Horses Carousel

The oldest platform carousel built in the United States continues to delight children in Martha’s Vineyard.
Boston, Massachusetts

North End "Peninsula"

What was once a true peninsula has now been filled in, causing the water to recede and leaving many streetside "waterfronts" and landlocked "islands."
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge

This bridge was the birthplace of a unit of measurement based on a fraternity joke.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Spectacle Island

Solar powered Spectacle Island features all-green facilities.
Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

Back Door Donuts

Martha's Vineyard's most beloved speakeasy sells late-night pastries.
Gardner, Massachusetts

Bicentennial Chair

In a town that's had a whole lot of giant chairs this one still stands tall, just not the tallest.
Gardner, Massachusetts

Grave of The Kneeland Maids

This donated headstone marks the grave of a pair of elderly women who were mysteriously murdered.
Sharon, Massachusetts

Deborah Sampson's Gravestone

She become one of the first women to serve in the United States military by secretly dressing like a man.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Doane Rock

The largest glacial erratic boulder on Cape Cod.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery

This memorial garden is the final resting place of many beloved pets including that of a famous explorer.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Graves of Henry and William James

Final resting place of the author who wrote the ghost story "The Turn of the Screw," and his brother, the Harvard doctor and paranormal investigator.
Amherst, Massachusetts

Hitchcock Ichnological Cabinet

This exhibit is one of the largest and most well-preserved collections of Jurassic-era trackways in the United States.
Boston, Massachusetts

Quentin Compson Memorial

A real plaque marks the spot where a Faulknerian character committed fictional suicide.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Last Tenement

The last remaining 19th-century tenement from Boston's old West End neighborhood.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Fisher Museum Forestry Dioramas

This series of landscape dioramas tell the story of New England forestry in exacting miniature detail.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Town of Dana

All that remains of this Massachusetts town, demolished in the name of progress, is a stone marker.
Gloucester, Massachusetts

The Greasy Pole at Saint Peter's Fiesta

In Gloucester, Massachussets, fishermen celebrate a successful year at sea by charging a lubed pole to capture an Italian flag.
Orleans, Massachusetts

Nauset Beach

Centuries-old hoofprints and wagon tracks reveal themselves after a good winter storm.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Emerson’s Pickle Factory Plaque

This unassuming stone commemorates a condiment factory gone up in smoke.