Obscure Dave's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Kalsoy, Faroe Islands
Places edited in Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Places visited in Lewes, England
Places visited in West Sussex, England
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Hvolsvöllur, Iceland

South Iceland's Bra Fence

Along this wire fence, travelers have been leaving a particular memento since 2012.
Hamragarðar, Iceland


This fantastical waterfall is hidden in a cave located in a cracked cliff.


Strange rock formations tower above the river that snakes through this enchanting Icelandic canyon.

Skeiðará Bridge Monument

Twisted girders are all that remain of an Icelandic bridge that was wiped out by a combination of volcanic heat and glacial floods.

Garðar BA 64

The oldest steel ship in Iceland has been beached for years and is now a rusting ruin.


In Northeastern Iceland lies something of an oxymoron: a steaming desert.


These ominous lava formations were said to be an entrance to the netherworld so of course they inspired a famous metal band.
Akureyri, Iceland

Akureyri Heart-Shaped Traffic Lights

Instead of solid circles, the stoplights in this northern Icelandic town have glowing red hearts.

Öskjuvatn and Viti Lakes

Two volcanic lakes in an enormous crater formed in a prehistoric eruption.
Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland

Drangsnes Hot Tubs

A trio of hidden hot tubs takes advantage of Iceland's natural geothermal vents.
Eiriksstadhir, Iceland

Stuðlagil Canyon

This canyon is comprised of gorgeous waters and magnificent basalt columns.
Seydisfjordur, Iceland

'Heavier Mountain'

The only structure in a remote mountain pass, these colorful cubes are visible from miles away.

Abandoned Djúpavík Herring Factory

This rusting remnant of the local herring industry is being given a second life.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.
Seydisfjordur, Iceland

'How's It Going?' Phone Booth

An isolated, rusty phone booth commemorates Iceland's first international telegraph cable.
Kalsoy, Faroe Islands

James Bond's Grave

This tombstone marks the spot where the legendary British spy met his end.
Kalsoy, Faroe Islands

Kallur Lighthouse

This isolated structure beckons adventurers with sublime views of the Faroe Islands.
Oyndarfjørður, Faroe Islands


Two massive boulders, rocking back and forth with the ebbing of the sea.
Kirkjubøur, Faroe Islands

St. Magnus Cathedral

This mysterious, medieval cathedral remains unbuilt but fiercely protected.
Faroe Islands

Lake Sørvágsvatn

The largest lake in the Faroe Islands seems to be held hundreds of feet above sea level thanks to an optical illusion.
Faroe Islands

The Nykur of Sørvágsvatn

In Faroese legend, this sinister horse-shaped beast lures unsuspecting passersby only to drown them in the lake.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

El Batey

Everyone from Alan Ginsberg to The Rolling Stones has stopped by this classic dive bar.
Stromboli, Italy

Strombolicchio Lighthouse

A petite white lighthouse perched on the ancient core of Stromboli Volcano.