ronni315's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sciacca, Italy

Il Castello Incantato

A madman's personal garden filled with 1,000 sculpted heads.
San Marcello Pistoiese, Italy

Ponte Sospeso

A factory director designed what was the world's longest suspension footbridge in 1923 so his employees could get to work safely.
Bologna, Italy

Saint Catherine of Bologna

The mummified relic of St. Catherine sits forever on a golden throne.
Andria, Italy

Castel del Monte

Geometry and mystery come together in an epic show of octagonal masonry.
Stazzema, Italy

Monte Forato

A massive natural rock arch gives the Tuscan mountain its own window to the sky.
Ravello, Italy

Terrace of Infinity at Villa Cimbrone

Beautiful views and Roman-style statues on the Italian coast.
Rome, Italy

Rome's Gladiator School

This historic recreationist school churns out warriors that may very well have had a fighting chance in Rome's pits of the day.
Palmanova, Italy

Palmanova Star Fort

A star-shaped fortress town fort built in the geometric model of the Renaissance utopian city.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Milan, Italy

The Bronze Ear of Casa Sola-Busca

Before there were doorbells this bronze ear was installed for visitors to announce their arrival.
Venice, Italy

Tomb of Antonio Canova

A sinister pyramid in the Frari contains the heart of the famous neoclassical sculptor.
Ravenna, Italy

Dante's Tomb

Italian poet Dante Alighieri is entombed in this small mausoleum in Ravenna, and his hometown of Florence has never been too happy about it.
Turin, Italy

Medieval Village

A fake medieval village in the middle of Turin.
Milan, Italy

Bosco Verticale

Two very green residential towers cleaning the air in one of Europe's most polluted cities.
Rome, Italy

'Mi Sono Perso' ('I Am Lost')

An enigmatic modern marker left next to a historic Roman site.
Pozzuoli, Italy

Phlegraean Fields

A sulfuric hellscape in southern Italy.
Langhirano, Italy

Museum of Prosciutto di Parma

Ham is serious business at the Prosciutto Museum-Serious, delicious business.
Milan, Italy

Milan's Duomo "Dinosaur"

Milan's duomo is covered in beautiful carving including a curious "dinosaur-like" beast.
Milan, Italy

Santa Maria presso San Satiro

Small on the outside, big on the inside, this church is an astonishing act of visual deception.
Marostica, Italy

The Living Chess Game - Partita a Scacchi di Marostica

Machismo turned on its head: the lady's hand goes to the dude with the bigger brain.
Perca, Italy

Earth Pyramids of Platten

These delicate sand pyramids look like naturally occurring gothic spires.
Milan, Italy

Lucrezia Borgia’s Love Letters

"The prettiest love letters in the world" ... or so said Lord Byron.
Borgo a Mozzano, Italy

Ponte della Maddalena

A stunning bridge that appears as if it's lunging to the shore, and has a legend of a devilish architect.
San Martino della Battaglia, Italy

Ossario di San Martino

The skulls and bones of thousands of soldiers line the walls of this small Italian chapel.