ronni315's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Salzburg, Austria

Schloss Hellbrunn

Trick water gardens from 1619 featuring a 200 piece mechanical theater powered by water.
Vienna, Austria

Globe Museum

Handsomely crafted representations of our round planet.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Vienna, Austria

Clock Museum

A small museum filled with over 1,000 clocks, and one particular clock calibrated to run until the year 9999.
Vienna, Austria

Stephansdom Crypt

The crypt of the imposing Stephensdom holds royal intestines and thousands of skeletons.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Chisinau, Moldova

Moldova's Little Prince Statue

At less than four inches in height, this iconic fictional character is the smallest public statue in all of Moldova.
Žagarė, Lithuania

Pan House

What almost started out as a spite house became an eccentric's found object masterpiece.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Margutis Easter Egg

A 300-kilogram egg sculpture that embodied a neighborhood revival.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights

This former KGB building is now a museum memorializing the people who suffered during the Soviet regime.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Female Pedestrian Lights

These traffic lights celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the women's suffrage movement in Lithuania.
Vilnius, Lithuania

The Church of St. Anne

Legend has it that Napoleon Bonaparte fell in love with this Gothic church.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Frank Zappa Memorial

The Frank Zappa fan club erected this monument to their prog-rock hero to mark a new era of post-Soviet Lithuania.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Stebuklas Miracle Tile

While this monument tile is shrouded in mystery it also marks the end of the longest ever human chain.
Vilnius, Lithuania

One Million Cent Pyramid

The largest coin pyramid in the world is a carefully balanced stack of over 1,000,000 pieces.
Vilnius, Lithuania

The Mermaid of Užupis

Travelers who fall victim to this mermaid's charms are destined to stay in Užupis forever.
Paberžės seniūnija, Lithuania

Centre of Europe

A small monument in Lithuania marks the geographic center of Europe—or at least one of the claimants.
Musteika, Lithuania

Ancient Beekeeping Museum

A tiny traditional village keeps an ancient method of beekeeping alive.
Gruta, Lithuania

Grūtas Park

Open-air museum with a large collection of Soviet-era statues.
Salantai, Lithuania

Orvidas Garden

Sculpture garden of religious statues made it through Soviet rule.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Monument to the Victims of Fascism

A memorial to the murdered Jews of Kaunas.
Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas Museum for the Blind

Museum deep in the catacombs of St. Michael the Archangel Church is explored by touch, sound, and smell.
Neringos savivaldybė, Lithuania

The Dead Dunes

A narrow strip of land is home to the tallest migrating dunes in Europe.
Joneikiškės, Lithuania

Europos Parkas

A curious art park at the geographic center of Europe is home to 3,000 television sets and other wonders.