SamS's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Al Haouz, Morocco

Tin Mal Mosque

The remains of a magnificent medieval fortress that was the capital of a vast empire.
Frangokastello, Greece

Frangokastello Castle

Every spring, locals see the shadowy figures of a ghost army of slain Greek soldiers descend upon this ruined fort.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts et Métiers

France's national museum of scientific and industrial instruments.
Roubaix, France

La Piscine

Museum in a swimming pool where the water still flows.
Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, France

Ruined Church of Ablain-Saint-Nazaire

The 16th-century church was kept in its ruined state as a reminder of the casualties of World War I.

Tomb of Cyrus

This ancient burial site is believed to be one of the first earthquake-protected structures in the world.
Fars Province, Iran

Graffiti at Persepolis

Marked by the hand of the explorer Henry Morton Stanley.
Fars Province, Iran

The Ruins of Persepolis

The palace of the King of Kings, burned by Alexander the Great.
Roudbar Alamout, Iran

Alamut Castle

This ruined fortress was the stronghold for a persecuted medieval leader and his infamous Assassins.
Los Angeles, California

Bronson Cave

It should come as no surprise that the best view of the Hollywood sign is from Batman's lair.
Los Angeles, California

Ennis House

This weird abode has inspired everything from the "House On Haunted Hil" to a robot hunter's pad.
Los Angeles, California

Griffith Observatory's Tesla Coil

High on a hill overlooking Los Angeles lives a world famous, high power conical Tesla Coil.
Los Angeles, California

Ferndell Nature Museum

A common entry point to the Griffith Observatory trail holds its own wonders.
Calcata Vecchia, Italy


Medieval town turned hippie commune, once home to the secret foreskin of Jesus Christ.
Rome, Italy


Rome's ancient Etruscan rival, now a park full of ruins.
Rome, Italy

Natural Monument of Galeria Antica

An Italian ghost town that fought obscurity, until a mysterious illness brought it to its knees.
Viterbo, Italy

Dining Table at Villa Lante

This immaculate and historic water garden culminates in a massive stone dining table with an inset fountain for chilling the wine of the Cardinal's guests.
Canale Monterano, Italy

The Ghost City of Monterano

The remains of a town so thoroughly destroyed by French forces that the citizens simply left.
Calascio, Italy

Rocca Calascio

What looks like a link in Gondor's early warning system is actually a centuries-old Italian fortress.
Alba, Italy

Alba Fucens

Ever loyal to Roma, the small village of Albe in the Abruzzo region carried on until an earthquake did it in.
Monte di Cuma, Italy

Antro della Sibilla (Cave of the Sibyl)

Virgil's many-mouthed gateway to the underworld.
Doganella di Ninfa, Italy

Gardens of Ninfa

Ruins of a 10th century church tucked away deep in a botanical garden.
Sperlonga, Italy

Villa of Tiberius

The Roman Emperor's lost summer home and grotto full of enormous sculptures sit along the Italian seashore.
Lospalos, East Timor

Lake Ira Lalaro

This crocodile-infested East Timor reservoir is also home to a spectacular half-sunken forest.