snailhugs's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dixon, California

Cool Patch Pumpkins Corn Maze

This corn maze so big you may want to pack a lunch, and possibly a flaregun.
Rio Vista, California

Foster's Big Horn

Over 300 taxidermied animals in a Californian restaurant make for a taxidermist's dream and an animal lover's nightmare.
Livermore, California

National Ignition Facility

Location of the most powerful laser in the world, and the potential birthplace of tiny stars.
Sunol, California

Bosco the Dog Mayor

The black lab that was voted mayor of a California town is forever remembered by a life-size statue.
Fremont, California

Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum

This quaint archive of the silent era preserves and pays homage to a seminal moment in film history.
Fremont, California

Berkeley Mystery Walls

Neither Spanish settlers nor anyone since has been able to tell who built these strange California rock walls.
San Jose, California


San Francisco Bay's ghost town.
Los Gatos, California

The Cats

A pair of pure white felines guard the entrance to a spot of California real estate established as an artist's haven.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

A "gravitational anomaly" located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California.
Gilroy, California

Gilroy Gardens

Home to the "Circus" trees created by Axel Erlandson.
Castroville, California

World's Largest Artichoke Statue

It should come as no surprise that the world's largest artichoke lies in the town that calls itself the "Artichoke Center of the World."
Monterey, California

Monterey's Old Whaling Station

An old whaling station now serves to give the public a look at the commercial whaling industry, no longer a part of Monterey's economy.
Monterey, California

Casa del Oro

The first safe in this California town had to hold all the gold.
San Luis Obispo, California

Madonna Inn

A hotel and restaurant serving as the mecca of kitsch.
Coalinga, California

Iron Zoo

A dwindling menagerie of anthropomorphic oil derrick animals still dot the barren California landscape.
Three Rivers, California

Glowing Millipedes of Sequoia National Park

These millipedes glow not out of attraction, but as a not-too-subtle warning.
Inyo County, California

Saline Valley Hot Springs

A hard-to-reach oasis in a desolate corner of Death Valley National Park.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
Beatty, Nevada

Tom Kelly's Bottle House

The most magnificent bottle house in a town strangely full of them.
Beatty, Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Odd outsider art installations surround a Gold Rush-era ghost town.
Beatty, Nevada

Angel's Ladies Brothel

A brothel nestled amongst ghost towns, with an abandoned plane wreck to greet you.
Nye County, Nevada

Atomic Survival Town

A picture-perfect town, perfect for blowing up.
Amargosa Valley, Nevada

Devil's Hole

Water of undetermined depth has attracted rare fish and cult leaders alike.
Tecopa, California

Pholisma sonorae aka "Sand Food"

A mysterious and endangered parasitic herb from the California desert.