The Donut Guy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Culberson County, Texas
Places visited in Lahaina, Hawaii
Places visited in Kula, Hawaii
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Swall Meadows, California

White Mountain Peak

A small research station sits at the summit of this mountain, which is one of the few U.S. peaks higher than 14,000 feet outside of the Sierra Nevada.
Dyer, Nevada

Boundary Peak

The highest point in Nevada had to be decided by court order after California tried to claim it as their own.
Mono Mills, California

Mono Mills

A relic of the region's once booming timber industry.
Lee Vining, California

Panum Crater

A volcanic cone that formed over 600 years ago.
Bishop, California

Erick Schat's Bakkerÿ

A charming desert roadside bakery that produces 10 times more bread daily than it has residents in its town.
Inyo County, California

Mount Whitney Summit Shelter

The first life claimed by this record-breaking peak wasn't lost to exposure or a fall but rather lightning.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
Inyo County, California

Manzanar National Historic Site

The tragedy of the Japanese internment camps is remembered here by a stark "Soul Consoling Tower."
Lone Pine, California

Mobius Arch

This rock formation named for its unique shape is one of many that call the Alabama Hills home.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'The Mantis'

Las Vegas's very own 40-foot-tall fire-spewing praying mantis.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Big Rig Jig

Temporary Burning Man sculpture made of two 18-wheelers.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Boulder City, Nevada

Hoover Dam Geodetic Survey Markers

These markers are used to document elevation changes around the famed dam.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Boulder City, Nevada

Historic Railroad Hiking Trail

An old railroad grade built for the construction of Hoover Dam is now a recreational trail featuring several tunnels and sweeping views of Lake Mead.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Humphreys Peak

The highest point in Arizona is an oddly snow-topped peak within the otherwise arid state.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Pluto Discovery Telescope

A planet-hunting astrograph built in the 1920s to seek out the so-called "Planet X" beyond Uranus.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Lowell Mausoleum

The final resting place of the businessman-turned-astronomer who helped discover Pluto stands near his observatory.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Lowell Observatory

This Arizona observatory is famous for investigations into Martian life, and as the place humans first spotted Pluto.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Monument to the Flagstaff Flag Staff

A replica of the flagpole that gave a frontier town its name.
Winslow, Arizona

Meteor Crater

This 4,000-foot-diameter hole is touted as "the most well known, best preserved meteorite crater on Earth."
Holbrook, Arizona

Bucket of Blood Street

This sanguine boulevard was named after a deadly cowboy bar fight.
Cañones, New Mexico

Cerro Pedernal

A flat-topped butte that makes a constant backdrop for Western art.
Nageezi, New Mexico

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

A phenomenal assembly of pueblos in New Mexico is the most complete example of ancient ruins north of the border.