Mishmash's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lee, Massachusetts
Places visited in Sheffield, Massachusetts
Places visited in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
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Boston, Massachusetts

Salada Tea Doors

The history of the tea trade is told in bas-relief on this historic pair of Boston doors.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Liberty Hotel

A luxury hotel constructed out of a former jail.
Woodstock, New York

Woodstock Artists Cemetery

Now the final resting place of prominent artists and musicians, it was originally founded to separate the rich from the poor in death.
New Haven, Connecticut

The Cushing Center

An archival collection of over 2,200 case studies which includes human brain specimens and tumor specimens.
Rosendale, New York

Widow Jane Mine

This old cement mine has been used as everything from a mushroom farm to a recording studio.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Toys of Eros

This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Spiritus Pizza

Provincetown's night owls flock to this 52-year-old pizza joint.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Bob Gasoi Memorial Art Alley

Mural fragments and various sculptures honor the longtime artist.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
New York, New York

Dream House

La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela's "Dream House" will immerse you in an ever changing world of sound and light.
New York, New York


A tiny museum housed in a New York freight elevator specializes in the "overlooked, dismissed, or ignored."
Cheshire, Connecticut

Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum

A museum dedicated to antique toys, collectibles, and nostalgia.
Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Hancock Shaker Village

Wander the sprawling living museum on the site of one of a 16th-century community.
Stockbridge, Massachusetts


Take a step inside the picturesque studio of America’s most renowned sculptor.
Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Site of Alice's Restaurant

You can get anything you want at the former site of the restaurant immortalized by Arlo Guthrie.
Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Newsboy Statue

Dedicated in 1895, this is the world's first tribute to the hardworking newspaper delivery boy.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Site of Emma Goldman's Ice Cream Shop

On a side street near the interstate is the building where the famous anarchist once owned an ice cream parlor.
Southbridge, Massachusetts

Optical Heritage Museum

A quirky museum paying tribute to the history of the optical industry.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Lois Lane

A comic book store got the road by its shop officially renamed after Superman's girlfriend.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Sigmund Freud Statue

This statue is a commemoration of the only place where Freud spoke in the United States.
Waterbury, Connecticut

Holy Land USA

A religious-themed park filled with folk art to bring biblical stories to life that fell into disrepair and now being restored.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Burnside Fountain - Turtle Boy

The Burnside Fountain and its questionable interpretation.
Boston, Massachusetts

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (The Gardner)

Two thousand artifacts from around the world collected by one woman who loved to travel.
Jersey City, New Jersey

The Colgate Clock

On the Hudson resides one of the largest clocks in the world.