Odd In London's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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East Sussex, England

Seven Sisters Cliffs

These stark white cliffs were spat up by the sea and are slowly being retaken by it.
East Sussex, England

Beachy Head

England's most notorious suicide spot.
Oxfordshire, England

Godstow Abbey Ruins

These ancient ruins were the final resting place of King Henry II's mistress.
Oxford, England

Pitt Rivers Museum

Ancient Egyptian wigs, South American feather headdresses, a bounty of anthropological artifacts in Oxford.
Oxford, England

Oxford Museum of Natural History

Home to the most complete dodo remains known - one head, and one foot.
Bray, England

Oakley Court

You can spend the night in Dr. Frank-N-Furter's castle.
London, England

Crystal Palace Dinosaurs

Abstract dinosaur models in London.
Chislehurst, England

Chislehurst Caves

Shakespeare, David Bowie, Dr. Who, the Saxons, Druids and Romans are all claimed to have all made their mark on these massive man made tunnels.
Birchington-on-Sea, England

Powell-Cotton Ethnographic Collection

A vast archive of cultural artifacts collected from numerous expeditions across Africa and Asia.
Sussex, England

Ouse Valley Viaduct Bridge

The elegant structure of this 19th century railroad bridge creates an illusion of infinity.
Cobham, England

Painshill Park Follies

Amazing collection of folly buildings in Cobham, Surrey.
London, England

Dick Whittington’s Cat

A monument to the thrice mayor of London who according to lore made his fortune by selling his rat-chasing cat.
London, England

Crossbones Graveyard

This South London cemetery holds the remains of more than 15,000 people.
London, England

The Ferryman's Seat

The last remaining example of the boatmen's perches that once dotted the south bank of the Thames.
London, England

Audley Square Spy Lamp Post

This overlooked street light once served as a KGB dead letter box.
London, England

Tyburn Tree Marker

Never actually a tree at all, this spot was the site of London's public hangings for nearly 600 years.
London, England

Queen Mary's Garden

The rose garden in Regent's Park where Pongo and Perdita met for the first time in Disney's "101 Dalmatians."
London, England

London Transport Museum

Its collection includes a broad array of social, geographic, graphic design, and political history.
London, England

Seven Noses of Soho

Several plaster noses are hidden in plain sight around London's Soho neighborhood.
London, England

Carting Lane Sewer Lamp

The pretty iron lamp is a reminder of the architecture underneath London's streets.
London, England

Hungerford Footbridge Skateboard Graveyard

The broken skateboards that became a poignant memorial to a murdered skater.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
London, England

Parkland Walk

Following the trail of an old metro line, this scenic path is haunted by a creepy spriggan statue.