themagicgeekdom's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hajvali, Turkey

Gamirasu Cave Hotel

Live a night as a Byzantine King, with a minibar and private jacuzzi.
Kaleüçağız Köyü, Turkey

Kekova Island Sunken Ruins

Hidden just under the waters around this Turkish island are the ruins of a once great city.
Demre, Turkey

Myra Necropolis

A Lycian city of the dead carved into the hillside of Southern Turkey, complete with startlingly human touches.
Aksaray, Turkey


In this historic region, homes and churches are carved into ancient volcanic rock formations.

The Donkeys of Dipkarpaz National Park

The animals wander freely amid this gorgeous stretch of nature.
Karaman, Cyprus

Saint Hilarion Castle

The ruins of a fairytale castle with a tumultuous history stand high atop the mountains.
Akrotiri, Cyprus

Holy Monastery of St. Nicholas of the Cats

For nearly 2,000 years this church has been waging war on local snakes by importing cats.
Larnaca, Cyprus

The Zenobia Shipwreck

The water here is so clear you can see the mysteriously sunken ship from the surface.
London, England

Former Decca Studios

This studio was home to David Bowie's first single, even if it did turn away the Beatles.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
Berlin, Germany

Propeller Island City Lodge

Come stay at a live-in art installation.
Berlin, Germany

Deutsches Currywurst Museum

A museum dedicated to a Cold War era sausage.
Göttingen, Germany

Göttingen Royal University Observatory

Renowned mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss once worked at this observatory.
Göttingen, Germany

Göttingen University Astronomy Collection

A collection of antique telescopes dot the halls of the university's astrophysics department.
Wiesbaden, Germany

Gebr. Stern GmbH's Giant Cuckoo Clock

This tremendous timepiece was once the largest cuckoo clock in the world.
Schorfheide, Germany

Finowfurt Aviation Museum

This former Soviet military base has over 10 original aircraft and an enormous amount of memorabilia on display.
Goslar, Germany

Brusttuch House

A peculiar trapezoidal building covered with wonderful humorous reliefs.
Wiesbaden, Germany

The Red Baron's Grave

The final resting place of the famed German pilot, the "Red Baron."
Göttingen, Germany

Grave of Carl Friedrich Gauss

The man who gave his name to magnetic measurement is buried in the city where he did his best work.
Ulm, Germany

Einstein Fountain

Albert Einstein's head sticks out of a snail shell stacked on a rocket in this truly bizarre monument to the scientist.
Munich, Germany

Wunden der Erinnerung (Wounds of Memory), LMU Library

The scars of World War II are preserved on its walls.
Garching bei München, Germany

Lego Very Large Telescope

A surprisingly detailed model of one of the most powerful telescopes in the world.
Frankfurt, Germany

Frau Rauscher Fountain

This German fountain of a legendary apple wine-loving drink thief will spit on you.
Blaubeuren, Germany

The Blautopf

In this brilliant blue spring in Germany, legend has it that a sad mermaid learned to finally laugh.