therecfam's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Torun, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus House

Museum dedicated to "the man who moved the Earth."
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin Monument

In the summer, the area around this sculpture transforms into a vibrant concert venue.
Warsaw, Poland

'A Footbridge of Memory'

At night, this memorial illuminates a ghostly outline of a footbridge that connected two sections of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Warsaw, Poland

Gallery of Medieval Art

One of the world's largest collections of medieval religious art.
Warsaw, Poland

Battle of Grunwald Painting

This enormous 32-foot painting depicts Poland's greatest medieval battle in glorious detail.
Warsaw, Poland

'Greetings from Jerusalem Avenue'

An artificial date palm stands as a memorial to Warsaw's Jewish community.
Warsaw, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus Monument

The giant statue and its model solar system honor the native Pole who declared that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw's Chopin Benches

Special benches that play Chopin's music are scattered throughout his native city.
Warsaw, Poland

Gnojna Góra (Dung Hill Lookout Point)

Catch a scenic view of Warsaw's Old Town from the top of a centuries-old dumping ground.
Warsaw, Poland

Shrine of St. Thaddaeus

Hundreds of notes give thanks to the patron saint of lost causes.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.
Warsaw, Poland

Old Town Wishing Bell

This bell stars in a tragic love tale and is said to make wishes come true.
Warsaw, Poland

St John’s Arch Cathedral

The last king of Poland was interred in this church nearly 200 years after his death.
Warsaw, Poland

The Warsaw Basilisk

A menacing statue of this mythical creature can be seen at the legendary site of the monster's lair.
Warsaw, Poland

Mieszko the Stone Bear

Legend says this is actually a heartbroken prince waiting for his true love's kiss.
Warsaw, Poland

Mermaid of Warsaw

The Polish capital has had a deep connection to its guardian mermaid for almost a millennium now.
Warsaw, Poland

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Museum

This biographical museum honors the groundbreaking scientist at her birthplace in Warsaw.
Warsaw, Poland

Mały Powstaniec (The Little Insurrectionist)

A statue honors the children who fought Nazis in Poland.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Trakai, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle

Over time, this castle grew to encompass the entire island.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Tony Soprano Statue

A 15-foot-tall statue of the head of the Sopranos family greets passengers at a train station in southeastern Lithuania.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Lukiškės Prison

A century-old prison in the heart of Vilnius is now a lively bar, dance club, and artist residency.
Vilnius, Lithuania

'Sėkmės pilvas' ('Lucky Belly')

Rub it for a bit of good luck.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Literatų Gatvė (Literature Street)

Plaques celebrating Lithuanian writers freckle a wall of this picture-perfect path.